Monaco Next date: 20 - 22 October 2025

Media Partners

Increase your Visibility!

Become an official Media Partner
Are you a professional magazine, TV and radio station, looking for an opportunity to bring unique stories to your audience?

Contact us

Selected media partners benefit from:

  • Complimentary media passes / access
  • Access to the SPORTEL Networking Tool
  • Visibility on our different communication tools:
    • Listed as a media partner on the SPORTEL website and press kit
    • Logo included on a roll-up banner in the Media Zone
    • Promotion across our social media channels.
  • Maximum support with scheduling and facilitating interviews with speakers, participants and guests
  • Invitation to the different events organised during the convention.

As a Media Partner, you are committed to:

  • Media coverage before, during and after the event including interviews, articles and social media posts across your network
  • Promote SPORTEL through visibility on your website, newsletters and in your social media posts
  • Attendance and coverage of conferences, press conferences and events organised by SPORTEL.

Media Partners

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